Saturday 26 December 2009

In other news- 26/12/2009

A trip to Canon's Farm today, at last! The first of the Christmas holidays, mainly because of the ice keeping me to the Downs.

The highlight was the presence of a single male BRAMBLING in the field eastern most field with maybe 50 CHAFFINCHES, though I didn't really count. Also in the same field were about 20 LINNETS. There were about 300 CHAFFINCHES, in total in the whole area (Kevin).

The COMMON BUZZARD remained in 'The Big Field' and showed well to the other four birders there (including Kevin).

15+ YELLOWHAMMERS were also present and some showed well today.

2 NUTHATCHES were noted, one in Banstead Woods and one in the hunting wood (where a single GOLDCREST called).

2 MEADOW PIPITS and at least 3 SKYLARKS were noted together (though many kept popping up and down and they were hence difficult to count) with about another 10 LINNETS and a number of CHAFFINCHES, maybe 30 or so.

A decent count of 5 GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKERS was taken and a single GREEN WOODPECKER was seen as well.

2 KESTRELS were seen at the end of the run of houses at Canon's Lane (where 2 of the GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKERS were.

2 SONG THRUSHES showed well together with about 10 or so FIELDFARES and up to 20 REDWINGS. 7 MISTLE THRUSHES were in the north eastern most field.

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